Nothing to Fear, Matthew D’Ancona

It’s just as well I’m past the stage of judging a book by it’s cover as this is reminiscent of an 80’s Dean Koontz or Stephen King novel. And not in a good way. Nothing to Fear was the first book I read for the St Albans Book Group I’ve joined and it was a bit of a stinker. D’Ancona might be a pretty good political editor and commentator but I got the distinct impression his career as a novelist is born out of a conversation in a gentleman’s club.

It’s not that it’s a bad book per se, it’s just so underwhelming in all regards. The characters are wafer thin, the plot is nonsensical in parts and the ending is implausable.

What it does have going for it is that it can be read in a lunch time or two and is fairly inoffensive. Ideal to read on the beach if you’re looking at girls in bikinis over the top of it. I imagine.

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